Why A Local Business Mentor Should Be Part Of Your Professional Development Plan

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Are you maximizing your professional networking group in Hackensack to find a mentor? If not, you’re missing out! A local business mentor should be a part of your professional development plan, so keep reading to see how to find one, what to look for, and what you might gain.

Why Find a Mentor for Professional Development?

When you are your own business, you need to make sure your professional game is the best it can be. So what better way to develop your professional side than working with a local mentor? Finding a mentor from your professional networking group allows to jump on the success bandwagon of other business professionals in New Jersey and see how their success can guide you on your own path.

Benefits of Professional Networking and Mentorship

Why do people seek out business mentors, anyway? A professional mentor can share their experiences with you, such as helping you figure out the best way to deal with frustrating clients, identifying new opportunities for growth in your local business market, or even connecting you with other professionals in the community. You never know what surprises your mentor may have—if you knew, you wouldn’t need the mentor! And don’t forget, serving as a professional mentor can also be beneficial to your established practice. A newer entrant into the local business field may have new or different resources that you’ve overlooked in your successful career.

How to Find a Business Mentor in NJ At A Professional Networking Event

If you work for a big company, there’s probably a mentorship program set up. But how to sole proprietors, small business owners, or those who are self-employed find mentors? Meeting up at a professional networking event, or joining a professional networking group near you is a great start! Your business mentor doesn’t have to be in the same industry as you—you can glean tips for success from anyone who has succeeded in their business.
Ready to find a business mentor and expand your professional networking options? Check out your local chapter of Le Tip to see if there are openings in your industry!