Avoid These Professional Networking Errors That Everyone Makes!

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If you’re trying to build your business or your professional presence, you know just how important it is to have a good professional networking strategy. So you prepare, present, and plan… but are you making these common professional networking errors?

Networking “as needed.” Many professionals fall into the trap of only networking “as needed.” These are the people who pound the pavement as soon as they open their business, leap enthusiastically into networking meetings when they are expanding, and otherwise keep a low profile. While a friend in need is a friend indeed, a professional who only bothers to network when it benefits them is missing many opportunities! Build a strong networking community, even when you don’t need it, for consistently strong performance.

Only looking outside your community. While many professional networking groups, like LeTip of Hackensack, reserve exclusive spots in each profession, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t also network within your community. In fact, some of the LeTip members with the best referrals get these from their industry-specific professional networking groups! Remember, the best referrals come from people who serve as “hubs” connecting one or more larger groups.

All about you. A strong networking relationship is built upon follow-up and long-term connections. As such, it is very appropriate to connect by email, phone, or social media, letting others know what you are up to. However, don’t make it all about you! Make sure to ask your networking partners how their businesses are going, follow up on that project they started last February, or ask how the family and kids are going. Showing interest in others shows you are truly invested.

Are you guilty of making any of these professional networking errors? We’re sure some of them have caught you—they catch the best of us! Your professional networking colleagues are likely pretty forgiving, so start shaping up and being a better networking friend and see how quickly you can get tons of business referrals in Hackensack!